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Your Business is Solving People's Problems

Your solution is your signature. You start with you and then you include your product. The reason we begin with you is and put product further down the list is to demonstrate that your signature solution is you AND your product. 

Signature Solution

Here we are talking about solutions before we've talked about product. Presented properly the product only supplements the solution. It's NOT the solution. When the singular focus is on the product as the solution then you've reduced your product to nothing more than a commodity. Then you only option is to compete on price.  

That's why here, before we ever mention the product, we are talking about the signature solution. 

My Signature Solution 

Note: When you have completed this lesson you'll be able to look yourself in the mirror and say, "I bring a unique combination of me and my product to bear upon the need of my market!"

Your Signature Solution is that point where your market's problem/pain/pleasure intersect with your demonstrated engaging area of expertise. I know that was a mouthful, but provides the foundation for that signature solution. 

Let's take a look at where you are right now:

  • You have a clear understanding of your market. You know their problem/pain/pleasures. You can speak their language. 
  • You have a clear understanding of who you are and what you bring to the table in your market. You recognize the value that brings to the market. 
  • You have carefully crafted a message that contains the five elements required to capture the attention of your market. 

That's all great and very necessary, but you still have to deliver. You still have to provide something for which someone is willing to pay you. That's going to be your signature solution. 

Your signature solution is, are you ready for this? 

Your signature solution is Applied Knowledge 

In our world you can know anything you want. There is an abundance of knowledge accessible at your fingertips. People will pay for knowledge that is easy to implement. That is why it's called applied knowledge. 

Applied knowledge is learning that is used in various situations and contexts. -Suny Empire College

Applied Knowledge is The Key 

Follow the steps here: 

  • You discover that your market has a presenting problem/pain. You seek to understand the problem and the language used to describe it. 
  • You look deeply at yourself to see what you bring to the table (You either have the expertise or you have the ability to gain it.) You make a commitment to make it happen either way. 
  • You craft your message in such a way that it grabs the attention of your market. Your message gives you and the listener clear direction as to where you are going next. 
  • You begin gaining knowledge and organizing it into a system. The system is the demonstration of applied knowledge. 

Why Systems Work

The value of systems cannot be overstated. I discovered this when my kids were teenagers. Our house became a refuge for kids in trouble. Over a five year period we had more than 8 extra kids who lived in our house at any time. Some stayed for the whole 5 years. 

They would arrive, usually because they had been in trouble somewhere along the way. The first thing I told them was, "We start everyday at 6:00am. Without exception. Weekends, Holidays and most of all tomorrow."

Frequently they would respond, "But I'm not a morning person."  

"You will be starting in the morning." 

They would adjust and a bunch of other things in their life got better as well. You can bring order out of chaos with a system. 

System is exactly the thing the market is looking for to solve the problem, alleviate the pain, or enjoy the pleasure. Find the missing piece of knowledge and build a system around it. You'll have the secret for which people will pay you well. 

See Notes from James Allen's Eight Pillars of Prosperity Below...

System is that principle of order by which confusion is rendered impossible. In the natural and universal order everything is in its place, so that the vast universe runs more perfectly than the most perfect machine. Disorder in space would mean the destruction of the universe; and disorder in a man's affairs destroys his work and his prosperity.
All complex organizations are built up by system. No business or society can develop into large dimensions apart from system, and this principle is preeminently the instrument of the merchant, the business man, and the organizer of institutions. Taken from James Allen Pillars of Prosperity 

Download the Fourth Chapter of Allen's Book


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